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Robert and Traci Gresser

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Robert and Traci Gresser

Serving In: Malawi
Ministry: Missionary, Theological Education

Serving In: Theological College in Zomba, Malawi
SAMS Role: Missionaries

Home Church: Fr. Bob is canonically resident in the Reformed Episcopal Church and on loan to the Diocese of Fort Worth. The Gressers call Christ the Redeemer in Benbrook their home and Traci and the children are members. 

Starting Year with SAMS: They started as Missionary Bridgers in 2018 serving four months in Malawi in 2019. They were accepted as Missionary Candidates in 2021.

Calling to Ministry: Robert has been in ministry since 1990 when he enrolled at Moody Bible Institute. It was here that he felt a “tug” toward academics and theological education. However, God made it plain that Robert should serve first as an Army Chaplain. During this tenure the tug became a call. Robert retired and began a PhD program in Biblical Studies.

For years, Traci has felt a call to missionary service. Living a year in South Africa as an exchange student affirmed that call. The call to serve overseas was temporarily set aside when she married Robert and became an “Army Wife.” However, the desire to serve in missions remained strong.

As a couple, the Gressers have vetted their call to serve as missionaries on several occasions first in Uganda (1995), then in Ethiopia (2016, 2017) and Malawi (2019). These mission trips varied from 6 weeks to 4 months. During these trips, Robert served in a local college and seminary. Traci, using her skills as a mother of special needs children and her skills as an RN, was a valuable asset to the local community where she helped encourage families, especially families with special needs children.

Mission in Ministry: The Gressers want to serve where the need is great. Robert has a passion to serve as a theological educator where there is a lack of qualified teachers, not to replace local leaders, but to train national church leaders so they can in turn train other church leaders. He will be teaching at the Leonard Kamungu Theological College in  Zomba. Traci’s desire is to minister socially through hospitality and ministry of presence, encouraging and strengthening families to spread Kingdom change throughout the communities where they serve.