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SAMS Collaborative Missionaries - Ken and Julie Moser

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Serving in: Europe

Ministry: Teaching youth ministry at Tyndale Theological Seminary

Calling to ministry:

Both Ken and Julie came to faith later in their youth and have worshipped and served in Anglican churches ever since. Soon after their conversion they both studied at Christian colleges which lead into their first ministry jobs in youth ministry. What started out as simply a first ministry job became a lifelong commitment to discipleship and evangelism to young people. They have since been involved in youth ministry for 35+ years as both church youth ministers and youth ministry trainers in Australia and Canada. Ken has a Ph.D in Practical Theology and both he and Julie are the authors of several youth ministry books and resources.

Vision for ministry:

Their passion is teaching the good news of Jesus to the next generation (Psalm 78:4-7) and equipping others to faithfully teach the scriptures to young people. Their main focus is on helping the local church to move away from an attractional, entertainment-based approach to youth ministry to one that grows young people in their relationship with God and each other.

In May 2022 Ken and Julie are moving to Amsterdam, NL where Ken will teach Youth Ministry and Christian Education at Tyndale Theological Seminary ( The mission of Tyndale is “Focussing on Europe, Reaching the World.”

Students come from all over the world for post-graduate ministry education (Master of Divinity and Master of Evangelical Theology.) The reach of Tyndale around the world through its students is very exciting and to be able to minister through the local church in Europe, one of the most spiritually needy places in the world, is an incredible opportunity for the gospel.

Personal points of interest:

Ken loves the outdoors (walking, hiking, backpacking, kayaking). Julie loves walking, hospitality, and camping. They have a dog named Mayday which also loves walking and camping!)